


Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Toastmasters International?|


Leadership and Organization|

Speech Contests|


1. How does one go about joining Toastmasters?
You can ask a member (preferably an officer, who is more likely to be able to help you) for an application form. 

2. Can I belong to more than one club?
Yes.  This is called "dual membership" even if you belong to more than two clubs.  When you join the second club, of course, you don't need to pay the New Member fee because you don't need a second set of starter materials (see below).

3.  How receptive are clubs to new members?
Since most people are genuinely terrified of public speaking, Toastmasters has its hands full recruiting members.  There's virtually no chance that you won't be enthusiastically welcomed into any club you join and immediately be considered one of the gang.

4.  If I join, will they make me speak right away?

No.  You will not be asked to speak unless you're ready to. If you feel more comfortable waiting a few months, that's fine. Most clubs attempt to arrange the meeting schedules in such a way that most members are involved in some capacity at each meeting, so you'll need to let them know what your wishes are.


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